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Cara Jawab Soalan Temuduga Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Dengan Betul. Jom Hafal Dan Tiru Jawapan Ini

Cara Jawab Soalan Temuduga Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Dengan Betul. Hafal Dan Tiru Jawapan Ini

Jangan risau jika temuduga anda nanti menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Pastinya anda boleh menjawab soalan-soalan yang diberikan sekiranya anda mengikuti perkongsian ini sehingga habis.

Apakah soalan dan jawapan yang boleh digunakan ketika temuduga nanti?

Contoh Soalan Temuduga Bahasa Inggeris & Jawapan

Antara soalan dan jawapan untuk temuduga dalam bahasa Inggeris ialah :

Soalan : Why do you want to work in this company?

Jawapan : I’ve always loved administration (contoh bidang kerja yang dipohon) because I am an organized person. I like things to be organized and systematic. I work well under stress so i can handle any kind of task with minimal supervision.

Soalan : Tell us about yourself / Introduce  yourself

Jawapan : My name is Siti and i’m 25 years old. I have a degree in Business Administration. Although I haven’t had any working experience, I’ve spent my free time reading business articles and researching about latest business news just to keep me updated. I’m hoping to be given a chance to experience the real world of business.

Soalan : What did you quit your last job?

Jawapan : I love my last job. It taught me so many things and my previous boss has always been helpful. But I quit because I want to experience new environment and broaden my horizon by working in a different company.

Soalan : Where do you see yourself in five years?

Jawapan : I hope to become very well-experienced in what I do a have better understanding of my field.

Soalan : What’s your greatest weakness?

Jawapan : I tend to put things to the very last minute. But I work well under pressure motivates me to work twice as hard and finish my work on time.

Nota : Sertakan kelebihan anda apabila menceritakan tentang kelemahan anda.

Soalan : What salary are you looking for?

Jawapan : I hope to get a salary that is suitable with my qualification and job duties. I also want to be considered based on my working experience.

Soalan : Why should I hire you?

Jawapan : I’m team player, I work  well under pressure and I’m a people person. I can work with all kinds of people and am always willing to learn new things and tackle new challenges.

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