Portal Jawatan Kosong Terkini

Jawapan Terbaik Mengikut Kategori Jika Ditanya “Why Should We Hire You?”

Temuduga Bahasa Inggeris

Walaupun anda fasih dan mahir menguasai bahasa Inggeris, tetapi agak risau juga sekiranya anda mendapat soalan yang nampak mudah tetapi memerlukan jawapan yang sesuai dengan jawatan yang dipohon.

Buang kerisauan anda dan baca perkongsian ini untuk menjawab soalan “Why Should We Hire You?”.

Fikirkan Mengenai Soalan “Why Should We Hire You?” Sebelum Temuduga

Sebelum anda hadir temuduga, pastikan anda mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan dengan jawatan yang dipohon. Kemudian tanyakan soalan ini kepada diri anda sendir untuk mendapatkan jawapan yang tepat mengapa majikan perlu memberikan jawatan tersebut kepada anda.

  • Apakah kelayakan yang paling penting untuk memohon jawatan ini?
  • Adakah saya benar-benar mempunyai kelayakan yang diinginkan oleh syarikat?
  • Adakah pencapaian saya mengagumkan penemuduga?
  • Apakah kelebihan yang membuatkan saya berbeza dengan calon yang lain?
  • Adakah kemahiran saya unik dan lain daripada yang lain?
  • Bagaimanakah pengalaman kerja saya membantu saya untuk diambil bekerja oleh majikan yang akan datang?

Tulis dan fikirkan jawapan yang paling terbaik supaya anda dapat menjawab soalan ini.

“Why Should We Hire You?” Beserta Jawapan

Jawatan Project Manager

Contoh Jawapan 

“Well, I have all of the skills and experience that you’re looking for and I’m confident that I would be a superstar in this project management role.It’s not just my background leading successful projects for top companies or my people skills, which have helped me develop great relationships with developers, vendors, and senior managers alike. But I’m also passionate about this industry and I’m driven to deliver high-quality work.”

Jawatan Programmer / Developer

Contoh Jawapan 

“Honestly, I almost feel like the job description was written with me in mind. I have the 6 years of programming experience you’re looking for, a track record of successful projects, and proven expertise in agile development processes. At the same time, I have developed my communication skills from working directly with senior managers, which means I am well prepared to work on high-profile, cross-department projects. I have the experience to start contributing from day one and I am truly excited about the prospect of getting started.”

New College Grad / Fresher (Graduan)

Contoh Jawapan 

“I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this production assistant position. I have almost two years of television production experience including two summers interning at The Ellen Show, where I was exposed to all aspects of TV production and worked so hard the first summer that they invited me back for a second summer and gave me more responsibilities. During my senior year at UC San Diego, I have been working part-time for a production company, where I have served in an assistant role but also recently had the chance to help edit several episodes. I have a reputation for getting things done and with a smile on my face.

That’s because I love working in the television industry and am excited to learn and get experience in every way possible.”

Hafal dan buat latihan untuk menjawab soalan ini. Pastikan anda mempunyai jawapan yang relevan dan fokuskan kepada kelebihan anda untuk membantu syarikat ini berkembang dengan lebih maju.

Juga anda boleh dapatkan contoh soalan temuduga bahasa Inggeris yang lain disni.